Here are some ways to get involved with the Vermont System Planning Committee or learn more about transmission planning.

Attend a VSPC meeting or a subcommittee meeting
VSPC meetings are open to the public*. Check the VSPC calendar for upcoming meetings.
*Exception during discussions of Critical Energy Infrastructure Information or otherwise confidential information, whena signed non-disclosure agreement is required for participation.

Participate in a VSPC subcommittee
VSPC subcommittee membership does not require appointment to the full VSPC. If you are interested in becoming a member of a VSPC subcommittee, use the Contact Us form and indicate your area of interest in the comment section. A staff person will contact you to discuss your interest and provide you with more information.

Submit a letter of interest to the Public Utility Commission for appointment to a public member seat
From time to time, vacancies occur in one of the public seats on the VSPC. The Public Utility Commission then solicits letters of interest from potential candidates. A total of eight people are appointed to five-year terms by Commission for the following public seats:
- Representative of residential customers: voting member & alternate
- Representative of commercial customers: voting member & alternate
- Representative of an environmental organization: voting member & alternate
- Representative of an Regional Planning Commission: voting members and alternate
- Supply resources representative: voting member & alternate
Vacancies available as of 5/1/2024
- Commercial alternate
- Supply resource primary
- Supply resource alternate

Provide input to the three-year update of the Vermont Long-Range Transmission Plan
Every three years, VELCO must update the 20-year Vermont Long-Range Transmission Plan. The update process includes two rounds of drafts; one to obtain VSPC input and one to obtain public input. The public input process includes at least two public meetings and the solicitation of written comments. In each round, numerous additional public meetings have been held.
The schedule for the next update is as follows:
- January - March 2024 - Formal VSPC review and input process
- April-May 2024 - Public input on public review draft
- July 1, 2024 - Final report filed with the Public Utility Commission and Public Service Department