The Vermont System Planning Committee – VSPC – is a collaborative process, established in 2007, for addressing electric grid reliability planning. Its purpose is to ensure all options to solve grid reliability issues get full, fair and timely consideration, and the most cost-effective solution gets chosen, whether it is a poles-and-wires upgrade, energy efficiency, demand response, generation, or a hybrid.
VELCO Files Permit Application
VELCO files permit application with PUC for Northwest Reliability Project (NRP), 63-mile upgrade from West Rutland to South Burlington.
Certificate of Public Good Issued
PUC issues Certificate of Public Good for NRP, stating its intention to open a separate docket to consider how to more fully integrate consideration of non-transmission alternatives into grid planning.
Act 61 Enacted
Act 61, 2005 VT General Assembly, enacted, amending 30 V.S.A. § 218c to require VELCO to prepare a transmission system plan, after public hearings and opportunity for input by the distribution utilities, the state's Energy Efficiency Utility, and the Vermont Department of Public Service.
Docket 7081 Opened
PUC opens Docket 7081, Investigation into Least-Cost Integrated Resource Planning for Vermont Electric Power Company, Inc.'s Transmission System.
Memorandum of Understanding Settled
Following more than a year of negotiation, Memorandum of Understanding settling issues in Docket 7081 submitted by most parties (VELCO, most utilities, Public Service Department, Associated Industries of VT). MOU details VSPC process.
PUC Approves MOU
Following hearings and other steps in litigation, PUC approves parties’ MOU in Docket 7081 with minor modifications.
VSPC Convenes
VSPC convenes for the first time. Establishes quarterly meeting schedule.
Forecast zones defined
Forecast zones defined by VSPC for Vermont load forecasting.
Screening tool adopted
Screening tool adopted and submitted to PUC for determining which reliability issues require full analysis of their potential to be resolved with non-transmission alternatives.
Non-disclosure agreement adopted
Form of non-disclosure agreement for critical energy infrastructure information adopted and submitted to PUC.
January - June 2009: Docket 7081 First Cycle
First cycle under Docket 7081 process for VSPC input into VELCO’s three-year update of 20-year Vermont Long-Range Transmission Plan. After a VSPC draft and input, and a public draft and input, VELCO submits Plan July 1, 2009.
First commercial wind to directly connect to transmission system
Central Vermont Non-Transmission Alternatives Study Group formed by utilities, led by GMP, to consider whether a transmission project to resolve the Central VT reliability deficiency identified by ISO-New England could be avoided with some combination of generation and demand-side management.
January - June 2012: Docket 7081 Second Cycle
Second cycle under Docket 7081 process for VSPC input into VELCO’s three-year update of 20-year Vermont Long-Range Transmission Plan. After a VSPC draft and input, and a public draft and input, VELCO submits Plan July 1, 2012.
Central VT NTA Study Group Report
Central VT NTA Study Group reports findings to ISO-New England that distributed generation and energy efficiency are closing the reliability gap for the Central VT reliability issue.
ISO- New England Findings
Following re-study, ISO-New England concludes that Central VT deficiency does not arise within their 10-year planning horizon; removes upgrade from Regional System Plan, avoiding a $157 million transmission upgrade.
January - June 2015: Docket 7081 Third Cycle
Third cycle under Docket 7081 process for VSPC input into VELCO's three-year update of 20-year Vermont Long-Range Transmission Plan. After a VSPC draft and input, and a public draft and input, VELCO submits Plan July 1, 2015.
January - June 2018: Docket 7081 Fourth Cycle
Fourth cycle under Docket 7081 process for VSPC input into VELCO’s three-year update of 20-year Vermont Long-Range Transmission Plan. After a VSPC draft and input, and public draft and input, VELCO submits Plan July 1, 2018.
January - June 2021: Docket 7081 Fifth Cycle
Public Utility Commission
Public Utility Commission issued memorandum directing VELCO to address specific areas in the next Long-Range Transmission Plan including greater visibility into asset condition project queue, right-sizing opportunities, whether new grid enhancing technologies could defer grid buildouts, whether more storm hardening projects are warranted, and how VELCO’s Plan will align with the goals, objectives, and requirements of the Environmental Justice Act.